My Understanding of Catholic Saints

I am not Catholic. I was not raised Catholic. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a Catholic church for a purpose other than a wedding or tourism. I say this as a disclaimer, because much of what I’m writing here may well be inaccurate, though hopefully not as inaccurate as the article I am […]

Natural Selection According to Young Earth Creationists

It seems I’m going to have multiple rants about this talk by the Answers in Genesis Zookeeper, Karina Altman. This time, I’m interested in her discussion of natural selection. She chooses to use “examples within the frog community”: The red-eyed tree frog, which is adapted to living in rainforests The desert rain frog, which is […]

Answers in Genesis Favours the NIV When Convenient?

I recently purchased the Answers in Genesis Creation Apologetics Master Class. I’ve had my eye on these courses for a while, and they recently put a bundle on sale for $20, so I thought I’d try it. This was a mistake. I was assuming  that these courses contained more in-depth content that could not be […]