Ark Encounter Women’s Conference

This year’s women’s conference at the Ark Encounter has been cancelled due to COVID-19. I know this probably isn’t a big disappointment to anyone reading this. I was unable to attend this year anyway, so it doesn’t affect me. But I did attend last year’s conference, and apparently was not the only atheist attending. So […]

Pristochampsids made the Ark!

The Ark Encounter list includes both Pristochampsidae and Planocraniidae as Ark Kinds. This is interesting because those are two different names for the same family. I can’t find any modern scientists arguing that those are two separate families. The only argument is over which name should be used. Planocraniids are an extinct family of animals […]

T-Rex Didn’t Fit on the Ark!

This is a bit of a diversion from Missed the Ark Monday. As you can probably tell from last week, I’m getting a bit bored. I’m not running out of discrepancies in the Ark Encounter list, but posts about obscure extinct animals not being on a long list of animals just aren’t all that interesting. […]

Alpha – How can I have faith?

The fourth session of the Alpha course was pretty unmemorable, and I don’t have much for notes. The topic was “how can I have faith”, and the answer in the video was essentially that faith is just trust, and we can’t live without trust, so you have to have faith. And faith is based on […]

The Tombstone Monster Missed the Ark!

One question that’s important to the estimates of the number of Ark Kinds is how many extinct kinds are there that we haven’t discovered yet? Paleontological discoveries of entirely new vertebrate families are rare, and although most paleontologists would tell you there are likely many extinct families we don’t know about, they would be basing […]

Aristotle’s Manuscripts

I’m taking another course at the church where I took the Alpha Course. This Wednesday was on the proof for the existence of Jesus. The course handout has a fill-in-the-blank outline, and I like to fill in the blanks beforehand to see how many I get right. This week’s had a table for the dates […]


This week I wanted to talk a bit more about forgiveness, which was the topic of the Alpha Course for week 3. By the end of the night I had three perspectives on forgiveness: Forgiveness is simply letting go of past hurt so you can move on. (From the people at my table). Forgiveness is […]

All the Tuatara’s Relatives Missed the Ark

The one living species of tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus, is on the Ark list. It is the only kind listed as a single species. That presumably means that it’s the only species that belongs to that kind! I have no idea why this species would deserve this distinction. The paper classifying the extant ark kinds notes […]

Could God have used Evolution?

The new exhibit at the creation museum includes a sign, “Did God use Evolution?” which asks the following question: “Could God have used evolution? God is holy and loving and tells us that death is an enemy. So how could He create all life using a process like evolution, a philosophy of death that requires […]

Alpha – Why Did Jesus Die?

I unfortunately had to miss the second session of Alpha, so this was the third session. Today I went through my notes trying to remember this session, but I was completely stumped. My calendar clearly says I attended this session, but I have no memory of talking about why Jesus died. And I don’t have […]