Basal Species Made the Ark

As mentioned in the previous post, when making my list of Ark Encounter Kinds my methodology consisted entirely of coming up with a list of land vertebrate families. One of the main challenges I ran into is that a lot of extinct species that have not been assigned to families. The Linnaean system of classification, […]

Already Gone

It is difficult to find good quality studies on the prevalence of Young Earth Creationist views specifically, even in the USA. Most surveys only ask people about their acceptance of evolution. I want to know how many people believe that the Earth and everything on it were created, as is, in the last 10,000 years. […]

New Creation Museum Exhibit

Answers in Genesis posted a walkthrough of one of the new exhibits at the Creation Museum. The exhibit is based on Ken Ham’s book The Lie. I believe it’s in the area that used to portray the evils they attribute to belief in evolution. It had a wrecking ball labelled “millions of years” knocking down […]

What Question Would You Ask God?

The first day of the Alpha Course, was after a very long day at work, and I almost skipped it. When I walked into the room I saw a giant sign asking “why am I here?” I couldn’t come up with a good answer. I nearly turned around and left. I know their intent is […]

Protarchaeopteryx and Caudipteryx Made the Ark as a Reptiles – Not birds!

On the Ark Encounter poster, the families Protarchaeopteridae and Caudipteryidae are found on the list of Ark Kinds, but both are classified as reptiles. This is interesting because Answers in Genesis has repeatedly discussed these creatures, and I certainly got the impression they saw them as flightless birds. Their earliest article on the subject, posted […]

Not Only Evangelical Christians Reject Evolution

The majority of the literature aiming to harmonize a literal Biblical account of Noah’s Ark with modern science comes from well-funded Christian groups in English speaking countries. These groups (AIG, CMI, ICR) all require all staff and authors of articles submitted to their journals to sign statements of faith that exclude non-Christians, Catholics, and Mormons, […]

Second Attempt at the Alpha Course

Six years ago, when I was living in Edmonton, there was a huge campaign for the Alpha Course, an introduction to Christianity series out of the UK. I attempted to attend. I blogged about my adventure here: Since then I’ve been curious about better organized implementations of the Alpha course. Recently I moved to […]

Twelve of the Oreodonts missed the Ark!

Oreodont sounds like a good name for an oreo-cookie flavoured donut. Oreodonts are actually a group of extinct pig-like animals, which is kind of fitting because oreo-flavoured donuts sound like food fit for a pig. However, oreodonts would get sick from eating donuts, because they did not have a digestive system like a pig. They […]

How do they know it’s Cheating?

A recent article on the Answers in Genesis website discusses a study on cheating. The researchers went to a rural village in Guatemala before the harvest (when people were most likely to be running out of money) and recruited farmers to participate in a study. The farmers were given a die in a cup with […]

Messelornithids Missed the Ark!

Messelornithids are one of the best represented bird species in the fossil record. We have hundreds of preserved specimens, many of them preserving the full body and even details like stomach contents. Yet they seem to be inexplicably unpopular. Not only are they missing from the Ark Encounter’s list of extinct bird kinds, but I […]