Eucharistic Miracles

I have done some research into Eucharistic Miracles (instances where a wafer blessed by a priest was thought to literally turn into human tissue). This table of contents will hopefully bring some organization to the site.

7 Responses

  1. Hello. Thank you very much for the analysis. I’m so excited to read the section “Possibilities”. I really want to know what you think.

  2. Hello! I hope you are doing great. I would like to thank you again for thisincredible analysis. I would even pay for you to write at least the “Possibilities” section (haha). I’m researching this supposed miracle, but you’re the best person I’ve seen analyzing it.

      1. Hello Kerri. I hope you are well!

        What do you think of that supposed statement attributed to Zugibe that the blood identified in the host was type AB? I found an opponent saying that Zugibe never said that. Did you find a Zugibe source stating this?

        1. I believe the sample was tested for blood type and found to be AB+ but definitely not by Zugibe. I can’t remember by who, I’ll have to check. I don’t know if Zugibe was ever told about the blood typing, but I can guarantee that if he was, you will never hear about it, because his response would not have been what Tesoriero wanted to hear. Zugibe had written extensively about the shroud of Turin, and he considered the blood typing of that relic to be unreliable. See my post on that here, I quote Zugibe’s opinion on that.

          1. I take it back, I don’t think it was ever tested. The sources that say it tested AB+ either don’t give a citation or say it was tested by Forensic Analytics. But I have the Forensic Analytics lab report and it does not mention blood typing. And they did a test for the presence of blood, which was negative, so why would they have tried to type it?
            You can do blood typing on bodily fluids other than blood, but with a sample of unknown origin I don’t think the lab would have done it, certainly not without asking a lot of questions. The main reason I haven’t tried to type my own mouldy wafers is that it’s unclear what technique I should use. There’s no way to have a control, and without one false positives are practically guaranteed. (Of course the likelihood of false positives is probably why they keep getting positives on all 3 tests, AB+)

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